Maddy the senior husky needs a home. Like me, she has hind-end weakness! What a cutey!

I always feel so sad when I see senoir puppies in shelters! It makes me realise that even with all of her faults, my mum isn't all bad. She is very patient with me and happily does what ever she can to keep me healthy and happy. She figures it's the very least she can do after what a wonderful and loving daughter I've been to her for all these years.
This is the link to Maddy's posting. If you know anyone with a heart of gold (who doesn't already have a zoo of animals), maybe they might want to consider giving a loving and comfortable home to a senior orphan.
She has an nice look about her. I sure hope she finds a home soon.
Oh, that's so sad. My Grandma and Grandpa adopted a 10 year old Husky/Corgi mix and they just love her so much.
My mom talked to some people today who want to find a new home for their 14 year old Husky as soon as possible. They are having a baby and the husband is allergic, yada yada yada...oh, and the dog isn't housebroken because he's always outside and never comes in their house.
My mom is hoping someone in our rescue will take him. Poor guy.
hey, you need new posts! Where are yoU?
Would you mind linking to this foster dogs blog that my mom started?
Mum and I can't really understand ppl who leave their animals because they are ill or old. Once you get an animal, they are like a family memeber. I think that ppl who do this with dogs are the same who do this with other ppl. Really sad!
Well, I also came here to tell you that I made a little change in the Ring HTML code in order to be able to feature a Ring member's pic each month. Go to my blog to learn more.
I can't believe these so sad stories! I just lost my baby husky so sick, I would do everything possible in this world to keep her with me. I think these people don't have heart, they don't have compassion.
Is a shame but many people is like this, they don't deserve to have a dog
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